Do Well Business

I want to be one of the 3%-5%, the people who have enough for their retirement without having to depend on Social Security. I’m getting there. Do you worry about having enough money to match up with your life expectancy?  Does that time seem so far away you don’t have to think about it yet?

This 3 1/2 minutes video by one of my favorite trainers came into my in box last week.  Take a minute to watch.  When you are done, consider the wellness industry and its growth potential.

I wasn’t looking for a business when I met Jayme to talk about my health.  I was worried about avoiding a recurrence of cancer.  It had been 15 years since my masectomy.  I was eager to talk about health with a nice person who looked pretty healthy herself. Nutrition and vitamins confused me. The Shaklee products she introduced me to improved my health so much, I couldn’t stop talking about them.  Pretty soon I had earned a little bonus because some of my friends decided to try these products, too.  I soon saw that I could have the kind of relaxed life she enjoyed, spread the word about products I loved. I knew I would help others by doing this sharing.  In a year I earned a new car and a great trip.

I quit my corporate job to sell soap and pills.  Was I insane?  A person with a Master’s Degree?  How could I do such a thing.  For twenty five years, I’ve had a comfortable income from a part time effort.

Would this kind of business opportunity help you with that worry about outliving your income?  Would you like to fall in love with a product line and a company so completely that you’d want to share your find with your friends and family?

How can I help?  Click here to see what this is all about. It might be the career fit you are looking for.  Most people want to test and try the products before getting involved.  Here’s the spot to check them out.

Be well, Do well and Keep moving,



2012/7/10 In this post I’m questioning WORK and when we’re done, like, ready for retirement?

I’m turning 75 in a few weeks.  My thoughts are that I should be thinking about slowing down, maybe even retiring.  These thoughts seem to come from some cultural idea about the being over 70 and what a person is supposed to be doing.  Am I letting the calendar tell me how to feel?

In fact I am more excited than ever about getting clear about what value I bring to the world, to my family, my friends, my customers, the wider community and the World.

My oldest daughter just got remarried this past weekend to a wonderful man she has known for several years.  They met in a spiritual community of incredible people who eminate a zest for life and a capacity to see good and hope in the present and the future.  I don’t know all these people.  I loved working with some of them in the kitchen of the lodge in Plain, WA assembling the food many had brought to share.  All hands intuitively knew how to step in where needed.  There was a caring attentiveness in all things.

It turns out I was the matriarch in this gathering.  I experienced this mantle as gossimer threads weaving me into all four directions of the mandala/circle of their garden setting.  Grace and Jon were the center and directors of the event as hosts and bride and groom.  By some spiritual force, I, as Mother, held a presence, to the side, quiet and unassuming, to be sure, but real.  I was filled by the awe of having birthed this woman.

Somehow my role as provider of information, guidance and supplements, the Shaklee message of always Pure, always Green, always Works and a little inspiration feels similar.  I have neither commanded nor caused anything in my clients’ lives.  My life experience has birthed a desire to share what has worked for me, to ask questions to see if there could be a fit, and in the end (and now a new beginning) a wider and wider web of folks who love the

benefits of Shaklee and want to share them with the people they care about.  I neither commanded nor caused anything.  I was one vehicle through which this moment had its being.

If this is a business model, I want to keep it going till my last breath.  There is methodology, notebooks, tools, all the “how to’s” a person would need to do the same as I have done.  These reside behind the spirit.  If you are drawn to this, Join me.


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