Liver Problems: Fatty Liver, Elevated Liver Enzymes, Liver Risk Factors

In an article written by Ann Louise Gittleman…
(She has a Masters Degree in Nutrition Education, is a certified
nutrition specialist and author of several books on nutrition & health.)

She stated that “People with a roll of fat at the waistline, even those who are thin, may have a fatty liver problem.

The liver becomes overloaded and stops processing fat and begins to store it under the skin.

Hormone imbalances develop, triggering additional weight gain along with fluid retention. Unable to properly control blood sugar, a toxic liver can lead to hypoglycemia and intense sugar cravings.

Unfiltered toxins may linger in the bloodstream draining energy and promoting the appearance of cellulite.  Weight loss efforts are blocked when the liver is sluggish.  To correct this the liver needs to be Detoxed!”

The following is based on Ms. Gittleman’s recommendations, using Shaklee:

Follow for a minimum of 14 days…(It can be done longer)

1. Shaklee Vitalizer
2. DTX
3. GLA
4. Upon waking and before going to Bed have a “Life Long
Cocktail” – see below
emulsifies fat globules in the lymph system that haven’t been processed by the liver before they are stored in the fat cells.  Helps to Eliminate Cellulite!

Life-Long Cocktail

This is composed of 8 ounces of purified water (Best Water), 1 1/2 oz unsweetened
Cranberry Juice, & 1 tsp of Fiber Plan.(takes a little getting used to)

  1. Have 8 ounces “Cran” water with breakfast, 20 minutes before lunch, and again 20 minutes before Dinner.

To make Cran water take a 32oz bottle – fill with 4 oz of Unsweetened Cranberry Juice (from health food store) and 28 oz of water – shake well.

  1. Having 8 oz protein each day – Use Instant Protein, Energizing Protein.
  2. Have an unlimited amount of raw or steamed low sugar veggies.

  3. Have two servings of fruit daily

  4. Eliminate all Dairy and Wheat as they often irritate body tissues worsening fluid retention.

At the end of the two weeks begin slowly adding back unrefined carbs such as whole grain toast,
peas, squash, etc..

  1. Be sure to drink a minimum of 8- 8-ounce glasses of BestWater daily

  2. Include 2 Tbsp. Flaxseed oil in your diet each day.

Elevated Liver Enzymes (source unknown)

Normally, the liver needs protein to repair itself. During detoxification, however, it may be necessary for a patient to temporarily decrease dietary protein, especially if blood levels of ammonia are high. (Ammonia is a waste product of protein metabolism that can become elevated in advanced cases of liver disease, particularly cirrhosis.) In the absence of elevated ammonia levels, diets adequate in protein can hasten liver regeneration. The sulfur-containing amino acids methionine, cysteine and taurine are particularly important.

Methionine is a source of the body’s major lipotropic compound, S-adenosylmethionine. It contributes to the formation of glutathione, an enzyme that aids detoxification by making toxins water soluble. Chronic exposure to drugs and other chemical toxins tend to deplete the liver’s supply of glutathione. Supplemental N-acetylcysteine (NAC), another sulfur-containing amino-acid and a powerful antioxidant, can also stimulate glutathione synthesis. NAC has been shown to provide a level of protection against a broad range of toxic hazards, including tobacco smoke, auto exhaust, herbicides, alcohol, and drugs such as acetaminophen. In fact, NAC is used as an antidote to acetaminophen overdose.

Antioxidants also facilitate liver healing. Supplementing the diet with vitamins C and E and the minerals zinc and selenium can help protect the liver from free radical damage. In addition, the B complex vitamins, particularly choline, may support regeneration. Animals with choline deficiencies have been shown to develop liver damage similar to that induced by alcohol in humans. Studies on humans with alcoholic liver disease, however, have failed to find a therapeutic effect of choline.

Phosphatidylcholine (PC), more popularly known as lecithin, is a phospholipid (a form of fat) composed largely of choline. Our cell membranes are made largely of lecithin. Lecithin not only maintains the integrity of liver cells but may also help regenerate damaged tissue and normalize bile function.  Studies have demonstrated that PC can improve health in cases of alcoholic liver disease and viral hepatitis and can protect the liver against a variety of toxins.

Several herbs can help protect and mend the liver. Of these, milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is perhaps best known. An extract of this herb can protect the liver from one of the most deadly liver toxins known, the death cap mushroom (toadstool, Amanita phalloides). Pretreatment of lab animals provided 100 percent protection against this normally fatal poison. Silymarin, a constituent of milk thistle, is a powerful antioxidant and lipotropic agent and has been shown to stimulate the growth of new liver cells. These properties account for its effectiveness against hepatitis and cirrhosis.

Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) leaves contain caffeylquinic acids such as cynarin. Like milk thistle, artichoke extracts have demonstrated an ability to protect the liver and promote its regeneration. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), a nutrient-rich herb, has a long folk history as a liver tonic. The German Commission E reports that the root and leaves stimulate bile production, thereby diminishing liver congestion. Turmeric (Curcuma longa), from which is derived the active ingredient curcumin, protects the liver by its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. It also increases bile output. Other liver-supportive herbs include fringe tree (Chionanthus virginicus), celandine (Chelidonium majus), garlic (Allium sativum), licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
and peppermint (Mentha piperita).

In sum, a healthy liver is essential to good health. As usual, prevention is key. The simplest path to a well-functioning liver is to breathe clean air and to eat an organic, whole-foods diet that is high in complex carbohydrates and low in fat. Avoid things that can disrupt the intricate biochemical processes of the liver: excessive fat, drugs and environmental
toxins such as paint, insect sprays, aerosol cleaners, and pesticides. During times of liver stress, choose from the many nutritional supplements and gentle herbs that can
speed healing.

Nutrients That Support Liver Regeneration: Amino Acids: Sulfur-containing methionine, cysteine, and taurine aid liver degeneration. NAC, a powerful antioxidant, can also stimulate glutathione synthesis, an enzyme that aids detoxification.

Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamins C, E and B complex and zinc and selenium protect the liver from free radicals. Choline and lecithin may help regenerate damaged liver cells.

Herbs: Milk thistle (silymarin) stimulates regrowth. Artichoke leaves protect and heal. Dandelion is a liver tonic and stimulates bile production.  Tumeric can increase bile output. Fringe tree, calandine, licorice, and peppermint are liver-supportive.

1. Pike, R., & Brown, M. Nutrition: An Integrated Approach: 515. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1984.

  1. Shils, M., Olsen J., & Shike, M. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease: 1480. Philadelphia, Pa.: Lea & Febigen, 1994.

  2. Pitchford, P. Healing with Whole Foods: Oriental Traditions and
    Modern Nutrition: 278. Berkeley, Calif.: North Atlantic Books, 1993.

  3. Erasmus, A. Let’s Get Well: 171. New York: Signet, 1972.

  4. Erasmus, U. Fats and Oils: 302-09. Vancouver, Canada: Alive, 1986.

  5. Davis, op cit., p. 172.

  6. Erasmus, op cit., p. 150.

  7. Davis, op cit., p. 168.

9 . ABC News. “Deadly mix: Tylenol and alcohol could cause death.” “Prime Time Live”, April 12, 1995.

  1. Davis, op cit., p. 174.

  2. Murray, M.T., & Pizzorno, J.E. An Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine: 80-81. Rocklin, Calif.: Prima, 1991.

  3. Sprince, H., et al. “Protective action of ascorbic acid and sulfur compounds against acetaldehyde toxicity: Implications in alcoholism and smoking.” Agents and Actions, 5: 164-73, 1975.

  4. Lauterburg, B.H., et al. “Mechanism of action of N-acetylcysteine in the protection against hepatotoxicity of acetaminophen in rats in vivo.”
    J. Clin. Invest, 71: 980-91, 1983.

  5. Baraona, E., & Lieber, C. “Effects of ethanol on lipid metabolism.” J. Lipid Res., 20: 289-315, 1979.

  6. Kidd, P.M. “Phosphatidyl choline as an aid to liver function.” Nutrition Science News, 1: 54, October 1996.

  7. Schopen, R., & Lange, O. “Therapy of hepatoses: Therapeutic use of silymarin.” Med. Welt., 21: 691-8, 1970.

  8. Wagner, H. “Plant constituents with anti-hepatotoxic activity.” In Beal, J., & Reinhard, E., eds. Natural Products as Medicinal Agents: 545-58. Stuttgart, Germany: Hippokrates-Verlag, 1981.

  9. Berenguer, J., & Carrasco, D. “Double-blind trial of silymarin versus placebo in the treatment of chronic hepatitis.” Muench Med Wochenschr, 119:240-60, 1977.

  10. Murray, M. Healing Power of Herbs: 247. Rocklin, Calif.: Prima, 1995.

  11. Maros, T., Racz, G., et al. “The effects of Cynara colymus extracts on the regeneration of the rat liver.” Arzneim-Forsch, 18: 884-86, 1968.

  12. Bundesanzeiger. Cologne, Germany, Dec. 5, 1984.

  13. Ammon, H., & Wahl, M. “Pharmacology of curcuma longa.” Planta Medica, 57: 1-7, 1991.

Elevated Liver Enzymes From Sharon ODonnell

Suggestions for the elevated liver enzymes. Shaklee Vitalizer plus Soy Protein, Liver DTX , Lecithin, Nutriferon, CarotoMax, & Alfalfa (Chlorophyll acts as both a liver tonic and a liver cleanser) No alcohol or processed foods.

The best vegetables for the liver are: carrots and beetroots because they contain antioxidants such as beta-carotene, other carotenoids and healing flavonoids that give color to these vegetables. These vegetable antioxidants have a healing and cleansing effect on the liver.

“Drugs make a well person sick. Why would they make a sick person well?” (Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.)

Elevated Liver Enzymes (source unknown)

Liver inflammation or infections which show elevated liver enzyme levels in blood are due to enzymes released from ruptured liver cells. Linking liver damage to excessive or long-term use of painkillers have been reported.

Liver Disease Risk Factors

Junk foods such as french fries, doughnuts, fried chicken and snack foods are cooked in overheated, overused, hydrogenated fats. Fried foods are a major source of liver-toxic lipid peroxides (rancid fats) and trans-fatty acids. Lipid peroxides are immune suppressive and damage liver cell membranes. Trans-fatty acids suppress the production of PGE1, an important liver-protecting anti-inflammatory prostaglandin.

Alcohol. The liver converts alcohol into toxic acetaldehyde during its alcohol detoxification process. Acetaldehyde inhibits PGE1, production, is a powerful free radical inducer, and is largely responsible for the liver, brain, heart, kidney, skin, and blood vessel lining damage associated with chronic alcoholism.

Coffee. Coffee crops are sprayed with pesticides. Almost all the coffee beans in the U.S. are imported, there is no way to determine which pesticides were used. Carcinogenic hydrocarbons are produced during roasting and the highest levels are found in dark roasts.

Smoking. Tobacco smoke contains toxic benzopyrene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, cyanide, acetaldehyde, tars, etc. As the body’s main detoxifying organ, the liver must work overtime to remove this stew of toxins. Fuel exhaust. Auto and diesel exhaust contains dozens of liver damaging poisons such as lead, sulfur and nitrogen oxides, acetaldehyde, cadmium, and peroxyacetylnitrile.

Birth-control pills. There have been some cases whereas little as two to three weeks of use have been documented to severely reduce the ability of the liver to detoxify naturally produced estrogen. The livers of women on B vitamin/protein deficient diets may have difficulty metabolizing estrogen to nontoxic estriol, leaving it instead in the form of liver-toxic estradiol.

Candida. Candida yeast ferments dietary sugars into liver-toxic acetaldehyde in the process of turning sugar into energy. Candida also appears to increase gut and urinary levels of ammonia, another liver toxin.

Pesticides such as PDT, Aldrin, chlordane, lindane, 2,4,5-T dioxin, and toxaphene can cause chronic liver damage even at levels measured in parts per billion because they tend to accumulate in body fat over a lifetime.  Long-term drug use whether prescribed or illegal are potentially liver-toxic.

Potential liver damage is a common warning found in prescription drug descriptions. Anabolic steroids. Liver damage is a major side effect of chronic steroid abuse by athletes.  Acetaminophen. Tylenol, Anacin-3, Arthritis Pain Formula Aspirin Free, Datril Liquiprin Elixir, and St. Joseph Aspirin Free Fever Reducer for Children are just a few of the OTC (Over The Counter) products containing acetaminophen.  People should be careful not to take too many drugs containing acetaminophen at the same time. Taking more than 15 grams can lead to irreversible liver disease. Whether smaller doses over long periods of time (such as those recommended for relieving arthritis symptoms) harm the liver has not been determined, but prolonged use increases the risk of kidney damage.

Additional research is needed, but some reports indicate that fasting (i.e., you stop eating because of a bad cold or influenza) while taking acetaminophen may contribute to liver damage. People who consume large amounts of alcohol are at the highest risk of developing liver damage from overuse of acetaminophen.

Suggesting DTX, NutriFeron, Lecithin & EPA, along with Vitalizer.