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Be Well health tips

Planet vs. Plastics

Earth Day has been an important marker of health for me since the very first celebration in 1970. This year’s Earth Day theme is ‘Planet vs Plastics’. The people at EARTHDAY.ORG are unwavering in their commitment to end plastics for the sake of human and planetary health, demanding a 60% reduction in the production of … Continue reading Planet vs. Plastics

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Be Well health tips

Color me pink

The shine of a gloss, the comfort or a balm, and a touch of sheer color. Who wouldn’t want a healing balm for the lips that feels lovely and makes you look lovely? Shaklee introduced GLAZE a few months ago. I had to try it myself over time before letting my faithful readers know my … Continue reading Color me pink

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Be Well health tips

flaky, dry lips?

Just in time to save my cracked lips! My lips get really chapped any time its windy or temperatures have drastic shifts. Right before I tried this, my lips were the worst in a while- cracked in 2 places! This serum soothed at first application and with just an AM and PM reapply, my lips … Continue reading flaky, dry lips?

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