Re-hydrating drinks to avoid bonking

Performance® Pure Hydration Drink

First: We will look into a little history and the discovery of Performance
Next: Shaklee’s Performance the drink that fueled the impossible
Followed by: Endurance Foods Clinical Studies
Concluding with: The secret behind Performance

It had been done only in legend. Indeed, experts wondered if it could ever be done in reality. Named after the mythical Greek inventor who flew on wings of wax and feathers, the Daedalus Project, would attempt to fly 72 miles between the Greek islands of Crete and Santorini. In a super-lightweight plane, one pilot was to pedal the entire distance over open ocean; in terms of human endurance, it could be the energy equivalent of running three marathons back-to-back at top speed without stopping.
Daedalus engineers and scientist, top researchers from MIT and Yale, turned to Shaklee for help in overcoming the most critical limitation: the pilot-athlete’s ability to sustain such an intense level of activity for so prolonged a period of time.
The result months of exhaustive testing with Shaklee Performance proved that this drink had such power and energy; it could stand up to the tremendous physical challenge of muscle-powered flight. On April 23, 1988 the impossible became recorded history, and the pilot’s only fluid and fuel for this grueling flight was Shaklee Performance.
The Daedalus Project, setting the world’s record for human powered flight is just one of Seven Shaklee’s triumphs out of “Time-Life’s “25 Greatest Adventures of all Time” were powered by Shaklee products. Another point of interest Shaklee has worked with NASA for over 12 years. One of the products for the astronauts was “AstroAid” the re-hydration drink known as Shaklee’s Performance. Shaklee “Performance Maximum Endurance Sports Drink delivers 67% more muscle fuel than Gatorade and prevents “bonking” & “hitting the wall”.

ENDURANCE FOODS include Performance; they also include pasta, rice, and oatmeal. These are slow-burning carbs and are the carb load meals consumed the night before.  Performance is superior because GATORADE has too much sugar, and sugar dehydrates the body. Performance hydrates you and keeps you going strong the entire game. It’s excellent because there’s a steady stream of carbs to burn during the performance, and the electrolytes address recovery and re-hydration.

In a clinical study, Shaklee Performance helped maintain athletes’ blood-glucose levels
for muscle energy and fluid levels for proper hydration. After more than three hours of vigorous cycling in the laboratory, during which time the cyclists consumed either Shaklee Performance or water, the speed was turned up even higher. At this sprint pace, Shaklee Performance drinkers endured for 33 minutes, while the water-only group lasted just two minutes. Shaklee Performance offers proven endurance.
During Exercise, Shaklee Performance® a pure hydration drink and a blend of
electrolytes is ready to support optimal hydration and our unique mix of carbohydrates to maintain glucose levels for sustained energy output.
Satisfy Your Thirst for Winning while using Performance. Dehydration is the most common cause of fatigue and poor athletic performance.

Shaklee Performance is clinically proven to hydrate better than water. Plus, Performance has more electrolytes and provides more energy than the leading hydration drink. Our proprietary OPTI-LYTE™ electrolyte blend plus our unique mix of carbohydrates delivers instant and sustained energy and supports optimal hydration. Take the “endure” out of endurance sports.
Clinically proven to sustain energy, we call it Performance for good reason. Clinical tests with high level athletes show that Shaklee Performance:
• Minimizes fluid loss for enhanced hydration
• Delivers a full spectrum of electrolytes, including calcium and magnesium (not in
the leading brands)
• Maintains blood-glucose levels to sustain intense energy output and to increase
stamina Shaklee Performance sustains more energy & more endurance. The longer and tougher your workout, the better Performance gets.

Shaklee Performance includes:
• OPTI-LYTE, a proprietary electrolyte blend to support optimal hydration
• A unique mix of carbohydrates to deliver instant and sustained energy

And now, the secret behind Shaklee Performance; the unique carbohydrate formula called OptiCarb, offers immediate and sustained energy in great-tasting, thirst-quenching lemon lime or orange flavor. Shaklee Performance, originally developed to fuel human flight is ready to keep anyone going longer.
Now Shaklee Performance can help you do the impossible. If you’re into sports, Shaklee Performance can help you perform better and recover faster. But even if you just need energy for a day of shopping, gardening, or running after the kids, Shaklee Performance will get you through your day feeling great!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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