Corporate Ex. turns Sales leader

What a testimony to this business opportunity!  Shaklee’s corporate executive, Laura Evans, is now a Sales Leader in the field.  Here is her story: Laura Evans Joins the Shaklee Field! We have exciting news to share! After ten years of encouraging people to join Shaklee as a distributor, Laura Evans, our Senior Vice President of Sales has finally decided to listen […]

Is your SSI income holding you back?

Greetings! SSI and Social Security income can hold us back and keep us from venturing into an online internet marketing business. We may think:  I’ll lose my government money if I earn too much.  One year I made the paltry sum of $300. All four of our daughters were in college.  We had scholarship money and loans based on financial […]

Making money is a lot like mushroom hunting

Sounds weird, I know.How could a home based busines be anything like mushroom hunting? Well, think about it for a minute. If you were to head into the mountains, park the car and wander off into the woods to look for mushrooms, what do you think you’d find?  With no prior knowledge? With no training in where to go or […]