What can help the pain after an accident?

Help for pain after an accident? Gentle Reader, A woman I know suffered another bike accident on her commute.  She is in her late 40s and this is not her first tumble.  It is taking a long time to heal and she is suffering miserably, no fun any time and least of all at the …

The Nutritional Management of Chronic Pain

Gentle Reader Are you like me, suffering from chronic pain?  Do you wake up every morning and check to see which joints are hurting?  A friend of mine describes sitting on the edge of the bed wondering if she can actually stand and walk to the bathroom.  I’m better off than that, but the first …

One more injury hiking the Engadin

Gentle Reader, The 3rd and most dramatic day of my hiking-in-the-Alps adventure this past Sept. occurred on day 5.  Pedie Jolly and I left the other two hikers at the Via Engadina junction above Grevasalvas where they would pass the “Heidi” house. We trudged on up beyond the tree line to a high lake just …

Hiking the Engadine: Avoid arthritis pain

Gentle Reader, I am back safe and sound from my hike through the Engadine Valley in the Alps in Switzerland and the Writers Workshop in Villa Lina north of Rome.  And my body is not suffering from arthritis!  Sitting in the airplane for the long flight to Amsterdam, the first stop of my journey, I …

The last word on Consumer Report’s warning against Vitamins

Gentle Reader, This week Dr. Chaney concludes his analysis of the article titled “10 Surprising Dangers of Vitamins and Supplements” in the September 2012 issue of Consumer Reports. The article consists of 10 warnings about the potential dangers of food supplements. The first six of those were at least partially true, but they pertained to …

10 Surprising Dangers of Vitamins and Supplements Refuted

Gentle Reader, In the September 2012 issue of Consumer Reports an article consists of 10 warnings about the potential dangers of food supplements. In my last post, I quoted Dr. Steven Chaney’s refutation of the first six of those warnings. As he pointed out, “all of those warnings were true, but they pertained to such a small portion …

10 Reasons Vitamins aren’t dangerous Part 1

Gentle Reader, I have been more direct in recent posts about the value of supplementing and specifically supplementing with Shaklee vitamins for alleviating arthritis pain, joint pain and muscle soreness.  I assume that you, like me do a lot of research on the internet before making a purchase, or when confronted with a problem symptom …

How to Keep Your Hand Moving–Without Pain

Gentle Reader, A good friend is suffering from arthritis in her hand causing discomfort playing tennis and gripping the handles of her hiking pole. Her pain, like the arthritis pain in many aging hands, is the gradual deterioration of the joints because of continued use and abuse over a long, productive life. In 1980 when …

My Hands Don’t hurt

Gentle Reader, Today I sat with a group of women doing writing practice.  One lovely person a few years younger than I read aloud when it was her turn and shared her wistful memories of back packing.  Having all she needed in the world for simple shelter, nourishing and simple food, everything necessary in her …

How to have good posture

July 18, 2012 Gentle Reader, Posture makes a difference when it comes to managing arthritic pain. I was surprised by a chapter in book I’m reading for business growth and development called The Other 90%, How to unlock your vast untapped potential for Leadership and Life, by Robert K. Cooper. The book contains four sections …