Comments on: Therapeutic Yoga Be Well, Do Well and Keep Moving Thu, 21 Jan 2016 04:40:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Julian Thu, 21 Jan 2016 04:40:58 +0000 Hi Betsy..I always love reading your blogs..I save them in a folder since I don’t always get to read them when you send them out. So I am just getting to this post!

Betsy, I have had lower back pain since nursing school..50 yrs ago..did not start seeing chiropractors until maybe 25 years ago..and only recently…within the past 2 years, have found any lasting relief!

I started seeing a Registered Physical Therapistwho is also a Cranial Sacral/Mind-Body Therapist who has taught me many techniques ( acupressure, deep breathing, yoga poses, stretches). Off and on over the 2 years, I was unable to put pressure on on left foot without much pain. I could not stand on that leg unassited . I learned from her, then from a video I purchased, my hip flexors are the culprit!
Has anyone shown you how to unlock your hip flexors? If not, ask your therapist about this. Appraently, most sciatica is due to “locked up” hip flexors. as soon as I start having pain when I walk, I get back to my stretches and acupressure. Seems to always worrk! Thanks again!
