Be Well health tips

Collagen: the glue that holds us together


What is it and how do you know if you have all the collagen you need.

A few years ago, my hair thinned, my nails started splitting and tearing (they had been my screwdrivers), and my skin tore at the slightest brush with a blackberry vine. What was happening? I check out a few sources and realized that this aging body wasn’t making enough collagen. So, I went to the health food store and asked the clerk which collagen would help. There were many to choose from: big horse tables (4-6 a day), powders, liquids. I had no idea but took the tablets home and began to take them. My nails firmed up again. My hair stopped falling out–the bathtub drain was clear. My skin still tears easily. Oh well.

Shaklee never jumps on board the latest “thing”. Their scientists must study, test, source, and differentiate. At last, they came out with a Collagen product, different from many others on the market. Collagen itself contains detectable amounts of only eight essential amino acids, but all nine are required to support protein synthesis. So, Shaklee combined 10 grams of collagen plus 1 gram of pea protein to create Collagen-9. This blend of collagen and pea protein provides all nine essential amino acids, as well as vitamin C and biotin, to support the production of all proteins including collagen.

What is Collagen, anyway? …

The word “collagen” is derived from the Greek word kólla, which means glue.

Collagen is the most common protein in your body. In fact, about 30 percent of your body’s proteins are one type of collagen or another.

Collagen is a structural element of bones, muscles, tendon, and ligaments, and is a major component of your largest organ… the skin. Collagen is also found in blood vessels, teeth, cartilage, spinal discs, the digestive tract, and the corneas of your eyes.

The older you get, the less collagen your body makes… and it’s of a lower quality than when you were young.

Your body cannot make collagen without vitamin C.

While there are sixteen different types of collagen in your body, most of it is type I, II, III, or IV.

The structure of a type 1collagen protein is a triple helix… three chains twisting around each other… that gives collagen its unique strength. In fact, type I collagen is stronger than steel on a gram-for-gram basis because it’s made of fibers densely packed together.

And… it can stretch without breaking.

Collagen’s production and its ability to repair itself are diminished by too many refined carbohydrates (especially sugar), UV light exposure, nicotine, and nutrient deficiencies.

A recent study suggests that collagen may help build muscle mass and reduce fat stores when you engage in resistance training.

Weight Loss while you sleep

Our nightly repair process goes on while we sleep. The repairs work better if our stomach is not processing food—so don’t eat before you go to bed. Repair work takes energy which comes from fat while we sleep.

By using Shaklee’s collagen formula, in combination with an empty stomach before bedtime, you may experience better overall health, improved appearance, more restful sleep, help to maintain your mobility and flexibility, and natural weight loss.


Remember, dear Ones, there is no guarantee that any product will work miracles for your health, but what if you did experience better health, as so many Shaklee customers have? Why not try it. Always a money-back guarantee. No questions asked.

They’re back & they’re better … Get Clean

Germ Off+ Wipes!

Now you can clean and disinfect household surfaces in just 5 minutes! Get Clean Germ Off+ Wipes are effective against bacteria and viruses, on hard, nonporous surfaces.

These wipes can be used without rinsing in kitchens and on food contact surfaces.

What are Germ Off+ Wipes?

They are disinfectant wipes effective against bacteria and viruses on hard, nonporous surfaces. No rinsing or wiping is required, even on food contact surfaces.

Are they effective against COVID-19?

The disinfectant in Germ Off+ Wipes kills the COVID-19 virus.

Do I need to use gloves while using Germ Off+ Wipes?


Are Germ Off+ Wipes safe in any room of the house?

Yes! Germ Off+ Wipes are safe to use without rinsing in kitchens, on food surfaces. They can be used on toys, car seats and other hard, nonporous surfaces. Discard used wipes in the trash. Do not flush.

What is the shelf life of Germ Off+ Wipes?

The shelf life for this product is 1 year.



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Be well, do well and keep moving, Betsy